Blagovna znamka Liu Jo je pisana na kožo vsem tistim, ki želijo ob vseh priložnostih poudariti svojo ženstvenost in prefinjenost. Njihovim kolekcijam oblačil za vsakodnevne ali nekoliko bolj glamurozne večerne dogodke, ki jih odlično dopolnjujejo izbrani Liu Jo modni dodatki, prikimavajo vse modne navdušenke.


LIU JO za ženske

Razvrsti po
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586195
    179,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White Wool
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586199
    179,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586249
    70,90 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White / Monogram
    • Bela - White / Animal Print
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586249
    70,90 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White / Monogram
    • Bela - White / Animal Print
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586214
    49,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Večbarvna - Multi
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586218
    49,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Večbarvna - Multi / Green
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586212
    29,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Večbarvna - Multi / Pink
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586211
    49,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Večbarvna - Multi / Pink
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586209
    39,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bež - Champagne
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bež - Beige
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586183
    259,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Modra - Blue
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White
    • Roza - Light Pink
    • Črna - Black
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White Milk
    • Črna - Black
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White
    • Roza - Light Pink
    • Črna - Black
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586289
    179,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White Milk
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586182
    179,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Modra - Blue
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586273
    189,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - Milk
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586019
    59,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Zlata - Gold
    • Črna - Black
    • Rjava - Brown
    • Rdeča - Red
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White Milk
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586294
    129,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Modra - Blue
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586245
    109,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Modra - Blue
    • Rjava - Brown
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White Milk
    • Črna - Black
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586108
    229,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Rjava - Brown
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586125
    139,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Roza - Pink
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586281
    109,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Zlata - Light Gold
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586245
    109,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Modra - Blue
    • Rjava - Brown
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586019
    59,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Zlata - Gold
    • Črna - Black
    • Rjava - Brown
    • Rdeča - Red
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586019
    59,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Zlata - Gold
    • Črna - Black
    • Rjava - Brown
    • Rdeča - Red
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586300
    139,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White Milk
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White
    • Roza - Light Pink
    • Črna - Black
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586018
    69,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Zlata - Gold
    • Rjava - Brown
    • Rdeča - Red
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586276
    139,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White Milk
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586003
    159,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bež - Cream
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586012
    139,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Rjava - Brown
    • Bela - Cream
  • LIU JO

    SKU: 586013
    69,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Rdeča - Red