Blagovna znamka HUGO ostaja zvesta svojemu konceptu drzne mode. Stavi na oblačila, ki se odlično prilegajo, piko na i pa jim daje urban pridih. HUGO moški prisega na kakovostna in vsestranska oblačila, ki izražajo neverjetno samozavest in ljubezen do mode.


Top kosi za mlade za moške

HUGO Top kosi za mlade
Razvrsti po
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Modra - Blue / Multi
    • Črna - Black / Blue
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Modra - Blue
    • Roza - Light Pink
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Modra - Blue
    • Roza - Light Pink
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black / Gray
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black / Gray
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black / Red
    • Siva - Open Grey
    • Bela - Open White
    • Črna - Black / Blue
    • Siva - Light Grey
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Roza - Light Pink
  • HUGO

    SKU: 556768
    89,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Modra - Blue
  • HUGO

    SKU: 556812
    179,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bela - White
  • HUGO

    SKU: 556794
    99,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Rumena - Yellow
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - Open White
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
  • HUGO

    SKU: 550849
    109,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bela - White
  • HUGO

    SKU: 550671
    59,90 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bela - White
  • HUGO

    SKU: 550849
    109,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bela - White
  • HUGO

    SKU: 550769
    99,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
  • HUGO

    SKU: 550671
    59,90 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bela - White
  • HUGO

    SKU: 550917
    69,90 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bela - White
  • HUGO

    SKU: 550771
    59,90 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
  • HUGO

    SKU: 550917
    69,90 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bela - White
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Siva - Grey
    • Bela - White
    • Črna - Black
    • Rdeča - Red
    • Bela - Open White
    • Zelena - Dark Green
    • Modra - Dark Blue
    • Bež - Light Beige
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black Color
    • Siva - Open Gray
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bela - White
    • Črna - Black Color
    • Bež - Pastel Beige
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Siva - Grey
    • Bela - White
    • Črna - Black
    • Rdeča - Red
    • Bela - Open White
    • Zelena - Dark Green
    • Modra - Dark Blue
    • Bež - Light Beige
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bela - White
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bež - Beige
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Modra - Blue
    • Roza - Light Pink
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black Color
    • Siva - Open Gray
  • HUGO

    SKU: 556773
    49,90 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bela - Off White
    • Modra - Blue
    • Bež - Beige
  • HUGO

    SKU: 556775
    59,90 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bela - White
  • HUGO

    SKU: 556773
    49,90 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black
    • Bela - Off White
    • Modra - Blue
    • Bež - Beige
  • Velikost:
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Modra - Blue / Multi
    • Črna - Black / Blue
  • HUGO

    SKU: 556780
    159,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Črna - Black / Gray