Marella je italijanska blagovna znamka oblačil in modnih dodatkov za sodobne in dinamične ženske. V njihovi ponudbi najdete širok nabor plaščev, jaken, bluz, čevljev ter torbic za vsakodnevne in nekoliko bolj glamurozne večerne priložnosti. Vse njihove kolekcije sporočajo večno eleganco in so ustvarjene, da poudarijo vašo ženstveno plat.


Pokrivala za ženske

MARELLA Pokrivala
Razvrsti po
  • PONUDBA -20%


    SKU: 479777
    47,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Zelena - Pastel Green
  • PONUDBA -20%


    SKU: 496204
    49,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Bela - White
  • PONUDBA -20%


    SKU: 530113
    62,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Rdeča - Red
  • PONUDBA -20%


    SKU: 554424
    59,00 €
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    The price of the product might be updated based on your selection
    • Modra - Blue